Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to Wentworth Primary School Academy, where we believe all children should “Achieving Happily” and to have a positive primary experience. Our carefully planned curriculum allows us to nurture and develop the whole child, in order to enhance children’s life opportunities and become lifelong learners.
We are a large (3 form entry) , friendly, inclusive school serving both West Dartford in Kent and East Crayford in the London Borough of Bexley. We enjoy extensive grounds, which also includes a Forest School, a range of facilities to support children’s learning and provide enriching experiences across the curriculum and have a wide range of extra curricular activities which enables our children to “Achieving Happily” and become a successful Wentworth Pupil.
The school is fortunate in having a staff of dedicated and caring teachers and teaching assistants as well as a supportive Governing Body who act as our critical friends.

Please explore our website to discover our values and intent for the school
L Pollock